
Do you have a great lifestyle, but not a great life?

Cassandra R Johnson Headshot WCM 2021.jpg

Hi, I’m Cassandra. I help professional women say “No” to the “busy” lifestyle so that you can say “Yes!” to a productive and fulfilling life. In order to do this I help you navigate a path to your greatness.
My background and education is in Leadership, but my experience helping women balance their personal and professional lives is through coaching and supporting numerous women as they break through their own glass ceilings to live the lives of purpose they desire.
I believe that life is precious and we get to choose how we live our lives. Our time here is not guaranteed and I am focused on living a life touching the hearts of others. I focus on working with thoughtful and kind people to have more open and honest conversations, fostering greater understanding and respect in order to create healthy boundaries and be the person God created us to be.

Let’s be real: the idea that you can “have it all” should come with a big asterisk!

We spend too much time worrying about things that have zero impact outside of impressing people, instead of focusing on making our mark in the world. We are so “busy” because we want to “make it” that we lose track of ourselves in the process until we wake up one day and discover we are burned out, washed out, or knocked out.

I’ve been there and learned that there are so many reasons to say “NO” today so that you can say “YES!” to your future.

I help women establish healthy boundaries to truly live and walk in your purpose, to be the person God created you to be, and to always pay it forward.

I love helping women push beyond their comfort zones and embrace their greatness. I’ll stretch you to explore and find your true voice, your authentic self, and share it with the world.

If you are a busy professional woman and you are ready to reduce your stress and reclaim your time, then let’s get started creating your life harmony plan.